Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Wonderful Story Started in July has an Even Better Ending Here.

I always remark that I love US Air. It is my most favorite broom to fly. For those of you following the blog, you may remember a post on Wednesday, July 7, 2010 after a very crazy dash to the airport to catch a plane back to DC. In the blog, I spoke of no random events in life. I mentioned the counter agent Todd from US Air that helped me make my flight on time back to DC. I mentioned a gent from an earlier flight who was going to reunite Todd and me so I could offer up my undying thanks to Todd for getting me on my flight.

Well, the gent from Tampa did not make the connection for Todd and me. But have no fear, now that my house in Tampa is inhabited again I’ll be back and forth more times than you can count on one hand. So it was that on Monday evening, I had the typical 6:15 pm flight from gate F 84, Tampa to DC. My usual return flight.

As I was entering the terminal to check my bag, a young man was scooting past me and I asked tentatively, “Todd?” He turned and acknowledged that it was indeed him. I was in karma heaven. I was going to return the good deed. The aaaaahhhhsss swelled up like all of the Archangels were in the terminal.

I asked if he remembered our encounter in July and he said he honestly did not. In fact, he went on to say that he has so many instances like that they tend to blur together. That made me realize that Todd is an above and beyond customer service kinda guy. He is the counter agent of all counter agents…he WANTS the flyer to have a good experience. He is not paid any more than another counter agent He just happens to love his job and loves helping flyers to experience some good US Air karma. I wanted to hug him until I bruised him. I wanted to adopt him. Hell, I wanted to clone him into every customer service person here and abroad.  And the whole time he was smiling his million-dollar smile.

I told him of the experience I shared with him and how helpful he had been to me. He was blushing a sort of “Aw Shucks” sort of blush.  And then he did what Todd does best; he took me to an open spot and checked me in, away from the snaking line. Now readers, keep in mind that was not my intent.  I just wanted to make sure I let him know he had been a bright spot in a tough situation for me that Sunday in July. While he was checking me in and putting a priority tag on my bag (without asking, and yes I’m entitled with my Gold status…not to make that remark sound elitist) I was pulling out the US Air “Above & Beyond Certificates” and filling in several for Todd.

My understanding is that those certificates are added to a drawing that in some cases provides a $10,000 award (not sure that is true, but if it is, I hope every person I have given one has won the big bucks, especially Todd). He was so surprised that I’d been trying to catch up to him since July. When I told him, he’d made my blog in July he was absolutely stunned.  I gave him the blogspot and told him to look back in the July postings for his shout out and to stay tuned because in the immortal words of Paul Harvey, there would be, “The Rest of the Story”.

I am glad to have the opportunity to provide this heartfelt follow up to that stressful day. Todd is the rare customer service agent that goes out of his way so often that he cannot distinguish one act of kindness from another. With tomorrow being “Pay it Forward Day” I am pleased to know Todd pays it forward all day every day. I want to bottle his spirit and sell it at a bargain so that we can all partake in his beautiful spirit.

I will “Pay it Forward” tomorrow, but I know that I definitely paid up on Sunday! Thanks Todd for showing that goodness does abound. I hope you win the big bucks. You have won the heart of the widow, and that my blushing counter agent is priceless!

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