Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I do, I do, I do Believe in Time Travelers and No Random Acts.

On December 22nd , 2010 I wrote about my lovely Christmas trip to New York City. I still smile as I recall the wonderful weekend. But nothing brings a quirkier smile to my face than the events on my flight from Tampa back to Virginia after spending New Year with my family.

It was a routine day to fly from Tampa to home with a layover in Charlotte and then to Regan National Airport. As is my custom, I dropped the rental car off and had allowed plenty of time to hit Starbucks for my skinny vanilla latte.  As I passed through the TSA security line (pat down free) I made the left hand turn into Starbucks and my feet came to a screeching halt. Seriously. There in front of me stood Abe Lincoln. No silly, not some clown dressed as Abe Lincoln: it was Abe Lincoln. Look at the picture and tell me it isn’t!

Wow, my first time traveler and he is at Starbucks. All the funny jokes were swirling through my brain. I was wondering if he was offered an upgrade to first class and declined based on past experience with box seats.  I mean after all he had a rough night back in the Ford Theater. I quickly started looking for John Wilkes Booth. I figured if he was there I was ducking for cover. But no, no Booth, just good old Abe. So, I watched him order his coffee and I was hoping he use his famous line, “If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.” He took his cup and added a bit of cream and he casually strolled down to gate F-84. He was at my gate.

I was trying to figure out how to snap his photo surreptitiously and finally managed to snap a shot when he turned a bit. I have to admit, he was very nonchalant standing there in the waiting area, and several folks were casting sideways glances at him, because they too new it was Abe. The boarding process began and I settled in my seat and did not see him again. If I’d not snapped the photo I think I might have convinced myself I’d imagined it.

I usually fly non-stop, but in juggling the schedule to meet my deadlines, I had to layover. So, no first class for me on the trip home. In the long run, coach was a blessing. I had an exit seat so I had plenty of room and plenty of engine noise to allow me to nap and read in quiet comfort. I’d eaten a light snack in Charlotte, so I was more than happy to nap for the hour flight home to Virginia. Nap I did. I heard nothing thanks to the engine noise, and I didn’t see Abe. Who knows, maybe I left him in Charlotte, but somehow I think he might have been heading back to the nations capital.

We touched down and I called EW to let him know I’d be curbside as soon as I snagged my bag. I was juggling my phone back into my purse when I was just passing through first class and I saw her. Holy mother of god, it was the mom of Shawn the turrets boy EW and I sat across from on the train ride back from New York. Really, what are the odds? I’ve done plenty of stats classes and I can’t figure out that probability. The curious part was that Shawn and his dad were not there. She was just leaning against the bulkhead letting passengers pass her by. I turned my head a bit in case she remembered me because she had no problem grilling the gent on the train and I didn’t want any part of that.

As soon as I could grab my phone, I called EW to tell him of the crazy encounter. Naturally, he questioned if it really was the same mom, and I assured him it was. Those that know me well, know I have a thing for face recognition and often amaze myself with the skill, knack, talent,….call it what you will. By the time I got to baggage check they were there all three, mom, dad and Shawn. Seriously, what are the odds?

I would have loved to introduce myself, but she has such a sharp tongue I was afraid she’d lash at me for chuckling at Shawn’s barks on the train. So, I snap a picture for EW and headed curbside only to be followed by them. I was really trying to distance myself and if I stepped right, they stepped right. If I stepped left, they stepped left.  Odds. What are the odds? Finally, EW pulled up, I hopped in the car and pointed out Shawn and his parents and EW too was amazed that the odds were incalculable.

So to this day, we are still shaking our heads in amazement that I saw Abe the time traveler and had a second trip with Shawn and his parents. Such is the life of the widow and often the reason for the blog. So Mrs. Lincoln, other than that, how WAS the play?

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