Thursday, November 10, 2016

My Reflections of the Donald J. Trump Campaign

From the moment it was announced the Trump had an announcement regarding the upcoming election, I waited with bated breath for him to toss his hat in the ring. Why you may ask?

Well, over the years friends, coworkers and neighbors have often made the statement that we need a business man as the president because the government is after all a huge business. Yes, it is a huge business and not unlike much big business there are handshake deals and behind closed doors negotiating. Unfortunately, when that is undertaken in the halls of the Senate and Congress the American people are screwed because those deals line the pockets of the two shaking hands. Taxes are implemented and the deal allows someone making a $150k salary to grow to millionaire status in a matter of a few years.

Quid pro quo. You hear it over and over. It means we are getting effed; plain and simple.

So when Trump tossed his hat in the ring, I hopped aboard the Trump Train for what was no doubt going to be a bumpy ride.  I ordered bumper stickers and Make America Great Again hats. I started to slowly wear my gear and when I saw a Trump sticker on a car early last fall, I finally put mine on the Mini.

I was very vocal on my social media pages. I received harsh criticism on FB and was often asked why and how I could support Trump. In the beginning I typed several long paragraphs and would cut and past them. That wasn’t good enough for some folks, they parsed my words, threw harsh memes at me and in some cases, drunk texted me until the wee hours of the morning. I eventually blocked those folks on FB, Twitter and on my phone.

I don’t mind a fair discussion; hell, I relish it. But the mean-spirited attacks from the Hillary supporters to me personally were no different than the hatred her supporters were filmed doing on a daily basis.

I become more vocal for Trump and I fought back like the scrappy fighter I am. The news continued to beat Trump like a drum. He stood resolute. God Bless him, he was resolute.

As the Hillary accusations mounted her supporters shrugged them off as conspiracies. One can only have so many conspiracies for the love of God. And the pounding on my Facebook continued.

I blocked one individual after a long back and forth discussion. This individual has moved to Canada and shouts into his social media from across the border. I asked him in a discussion why he was so gung ho about Clinton and his inane response was that “she can get things done”. I ask what things and this very educated smart guy was stumped for an answer. I did rip him up and point out the idiocy of his remark. He wanted details from me as to my support of Trump and I bullet pointed them and all I got from him was…she can get things done…

That there is the mindset of the opposition we had to contend with in the fight to take back the White House and to take back control of the government. No statement was clearer of the inability of the Democratic opposition to support their candidate. They had no successes of her career….NONE…I can list the failures, but I’d be typing well into next week.

I have received dozens of texts, pm’s and IM from folks thanking me for my solid support and dedication to Trump. These are the silent Trump supporters. Make no mistake those silent Trumpsters were there the entire time. Due to work fears, they had to stay in the shadows.

So, let me say now why I abruptly retired in August. I have given many reasons, but this is the real reason…my ability to support my candidate was being shackled to some extent. I worked for a Trade Association and a “non-political” mindset had to be maintained. I get it, but that is not for me. To the point, at a work luncheon one day early in Trumps campaign, candidates were being discussed and Trump was being sliced and diced. I said nothing…ate my lunch and went about my day. I knew then it was time to retire so that I could push for the candidate so desperately needed to change the course of this country.

I have lived a very great life. I was sickened by the fears of the changes that might have been brought about by a possible Clinton win. So on a Friday August 2nd, I decided I needed to put my feet, fingers, and voice to a better goal than some paltry pay check and I needed to campaign for Trump. Bad form to do as I did, but I emailed a resignation statement and I never felt freer than that 5th day in August.

Then the real work began…I shouted through my Facebook microphone…my twitter followers grew exponentially and I kept the faith. I always knew Trump would win. The goal was by how much.

I was drawn and quartered by friends and I slowly removed them from my feeds…they were not supporting their candidate in a fashion to help get her elected.  It became insults and demeaning my choice of candidate. I attempted to high road, though sometimes I was guttural…I’m human after all…tried not to take it personally, but the other side did and became brutally mean. Moreover they began to troll supporters to try and silence our voices and fingers.

I never feared retaliation for my stickers on my car and I proudly wore Trump shirts, hats and buttons everywhere I went. It brought many folks out to engage mostly positive. I was walking out of Wegman’s one day and a woman popped out of her car and rushed over to me. I was prepared for whatever she had to say. She said, “I saw the two stickers on you car and said to my husband, we cannot leave until I meet the woman who owns this car.” (I have a ‘Women for Trump ‘sticker on the window). She went on to shake my hand and thank me for my visible support of Trump. She explained she is a councilwoman for New York, the town over from Chappaqua. She is a Republican and pointed out the campaign is draining their coffers because to get to Hills house you go through their town. She is a silent supporter because of her close proximity to Hill. I hade a #MAGA pin on, took it off and handed it to her. Asked her to wear in on good health. We chatted a bit more. I learned her son is in the military and they were here visiting him and she said meeting me was one of the highlights of her trip.

Several weeks ago I had to make a very quick trip to Whole Foods. I parked in the hour parking and bolted in. As I was parking a young mad puled in behind me. Thought nothing of it. 35 minutes later I’m getting in my car and he pops out to tell me I am an uneducated asshole. I pointed he was pretty stupid to have had to sit there 30 minutes to tell me that. I explained my shopping was done and I could move on with my day…and his was wasted…I also reminded him Trump would win.

Which brings us to today…we have a president Elect, Donald J. Trump. I am already positing my words to help him win his second term. Long may he serve this beautiful country.

In reflecting back over the past 18 months, I have no regrets. I do not regret resigning to undertake the task I decided was far more important than a 4-hour daily commute to bring home a paltry paycheck. Don’t misunderstand, I loved what I did…just not worth the road time and stifled voice.

Have friends removed me from their FB feed, yes they have, but that removal has worked both ways. I have been trolled by Clinton supporters, and I have trolled some myself.

The crossroads has been crossed. Now we have the SJW’s crying and protesting our democratic process. I don’t recall riots and protests when Romney and McCain were both defeated by Obama. I do know that I had the same sinking feeling in my stomach when his election was announced not once but twice.

I have never spoken a nice word about Obama, I cannot stand  him and did not support any of his Executive Actions.  His policies have indeed hurt many in this beautiful country. Those that gained are the same ones now complaining about Trump. The change they see is the change that will expect them to work to be a maker for themselves. They have been takers and want to take more. They have received participation trophies though have never won anything. If they are that upset, perhaps they should have been out pushing for their candidate in more meaningful ways. No, they were the silent minority that expected everyone else to do the campaigning for them so they could again take more and more.

So I have no empathy…NONE…the American people took the country back from those destroying it from with in. The swamp will be drained and reasonable business practices will guide decisions. I’d like to see the debt reduced. Trump delivers projects ahead of time and below budget. Who can’t support that?  He has raised an impeccable family with strong traditions and amazing business skills. How can you not want your children to have role models like that?  I prefer their role models to the likes of Jay Z and Miley Cyrus (to mention a few). Our SCOTUS was in a very perilous position. We have a President Elect who will be able to nominate replacements to keep the balance and to avoid the tipping into such liberalism that we would be bound and gagged for the rest of our lives, your children’s lives and their children and so on.

We are two days into the transition of power and ads are being taken out on craigslist for folks to demonstrate. Adds for folks to ply homeless and the like. Why after such a bitter campaign is the opposition still bussing demonstrators in to cities to disrupt the peaceful public? If you are gnashing you teeth that Trump won…maybe you will stop and for once open your eyes to the evil that lurked in the opposition campaign and still lingers like the stench of rotting flesh.

So take the high road as we the Romney and McCain supporters did over the past 8 years. He is elected: the people have spoken. Ask yourself what you could have done to see your candidate succeed…the answer lies with you…

Embrace this change. It is for the better my friends…

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